In-Depth Card Descriptions

A B U N D A N C E 

definition: a very large quantity of something. Plentifulness of the good things in life

Image: human form, legs fan out like a peacock. the figure is sitting on a basket-like object full of blooms and water flow. Lily pads and a flower at the heart center.


The sun radiates rays of flowers - the sun provides energy for growth and warmth and light.

5 birds in flight - symbolize change, freedom and new possibilities - a feeling of abundance can also be connected to a feeling of freedom and openness to possibility

Peacock symbolizes showing ourselves to the world around us - but the question should be what are you showing off? keep your focus on what matters to you and let that SHINE.

I think of the basket as a symbol of what is freely abundant and available to us: kindness, love, generosity, beauty, gratitude, nature.

The human is part of the basket, not seperate from it, reminding us that we have abundance within us.

Lily pads represent a resting place for nature to me. Something to sit on and find shade under. Feeling a sense of abundance can be a rest from anxiety and fear of lacking. 


Do you allow your abundance to be generous and giving or do you hold it all in for yourself? Why or why not? What to you observe in the world around you when you change this approach?

Are we flaunting material abundance or our generosity of spirit?