Sketchbook Journey Supplies and Materials

My Tried and Suggested Watercolor Materials and...
I've been creating Youtube videos for a while now in reference to materials and supplies HERE. I've also created a list of many of the supplies I think are good...
My Tried and Suggested Watercolor Materials and...
I've been creating Youtube videos for a while now in reference to materials and supplies HERE. I've also created a list of many of the supplies I think are good...

Join Sketchbook Journey Today!
Sketchbook Adventure! Sketchbooks are wonderful and magical safe spaces for you to grow, explore and push yourself further into your creative mind and spirit. Perhaps you already have a personal...
Join Sketchbook Journey Today!
Sketchbook Adventure! Sketchbooks are wonderful and magical safe spaces for you to grow, explore and push yourself further into your creative mind and spirit. Perhaps you already have a personal...

Sketchbooks Gallore! choosing the right book fo...
* I have an updated video of my favorite watercolor sketchbooks here. I have made it my personal mission to find my favorite watercolor sketchbook. I feel like I've bought...
Sketchbooks Gallore! choosing the right book fo...
* I have an updated video of my favorite watercolor sketchbooks here. I have made it my personal mission to find my favorite watercolor sketchbook. I feel like I've bought...

On the Topic of Brushes
One of my strongest opinions about art supplies and materials I use is that less can be WAY more. Having too many supplies and brushes and materials to choose from...
On the Topic of Brushes
One of my strongest opinions about art supplies and materials I use is that less can be WAY more. Having too many supplies and brushes and materials to choose from...

Invitation to my new Online Sketchbook Class!
Here's a little about my ongoing online Sketchbook Journey Course (click here to sign up.) This class is going to be a journey through an entire sketchbook - a place...
Invitation to my new Online Sketchbook Class!
Here's a little about my ongoing online Sketchbook Journey Course (click here to sign up.) This class is going to be a journey through an entire sketchbook - a place...

Beginning to Share
I'm beginning to take a different approach to sharing. I want to open up a little more about the process and daily life of this artist in the mountains. But...
Beginning to Share
I'm beginning to take a different approach to sharing. I want to open up a little more about the process and daily life of this artist in the mountains. But...